Apply now in Moray!

Get support for your green community project in Moray - apply for grants of up to £50,000 by 12pm on Monday 23rd of September

Application guidance

Discover more about the aims and priorities of the JTPB Fund and how we involve local communities

Apply for the fund in Moray

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Applications close 12noon Mon 23 September


Applications close 12noon Mon 23 September 〰️

Applications in Moray will be processed by tsiMORAY, the Third Sector Interface for the area and Money for Moray.

As of August 19th 2024 tsiMORAY are pleased to welcome applications once again for the Just Transition PB Fund and look forward receiving submissions of your of innovative, eco friendly projects from your Moray based organisation.

£333,333 in total has been made available for the Moray region, and we are inviting applications for grants of up to £50,000 to support your project.

The Just Transition PB Fund is all about enabling local non-profit organisations to find creative green solutions which reflect the needs of their local communities – if you are looking for building upgrades, alternative ways to heat your community space or have an idea for an innovative eco friendly project, the JTPB Fund can help you realise your vision.

Looking for inspiration? You can view details of projects we funded in previous years and read stories about how initiatives supported by the JTPB Fund are making a positive difference across Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray.

You can find more information about the fund, including details on who can apply and the types of projects we can fund at the foot of this page.

If you have questions about project eligibility, would like to discuss your idea or need support with your application, complete our contact form and a member of the tsiMORAY team will get back in touch.

Application Guidance for Moray

Application guidance

Download our guidance PDF to help you with the completion of your application

View application form offline

Download a copy of the application (for reference only - form must be completed online)

Project cashflow template

Download the cashflow template to help you with your fund application

Business Energy Scotland Support Request Form

Find out more and register your interest in obtaining an energy efficiency assessment on the Business Energy Scotland website

FAQs and further information

  • The fund is open to applications by constituted community organisations, appropriately constituted social enterprises and other voluntary and third sector organisations set up on a non-profit-distributing basis

    Un-constituted groups and groups without a bank account can apply if their application is supported by an appropriately constituted group who is willing to take responsibility for the management of the project, the project funds, and any assets acquired through the project.

    Any group or organisation can only apply for one project through this fund.

    Taking responsibility for an un-constituted group will not bar an organisation from applying for funding for their own project. An organisation will only be able to take responsibility for one project run by another group.

    This year, in response to evaluation and feedback, £33,333 is allocated to young people to help them support a just transition. This will be promoted separately in a parallel process.

    The remaining £300,000 will be divided into: the first £150,000 open to all, and the remaining £150,000 prioritising groups without paid development staff, as detailed in the introduction.

    The staff criteria applies to the organisation applying, not any group taking management responsibility for another.

  • Applications can be received for grants of up to £50,000.

    In this third year of the fund, £1million will be allocated through a participatory budgeting (PB) process. In Moray £333,333 will be available to community groups to deliver capital projects working towards a just transition to net zero.

    This year in Moray, £33,333 will be made available exclusively to young people who will run their own Just Transition PB with support from Money for Moray and tsiMORAY.

    The remaining £300,000 will be made available to community groups. This will be divided into: the first £150,000 open to all, and the remaining £150,000 prioritising groups without paid development staff1. This split for this year is in response to feedback and evaluation from previous years, which identified a need to channel more support to smaller groups while still supporting larger groups with just transition projects.

    Groups can apply for up to £50,000 for their just transition project. These projects will then be put to the public to vote, where voters will decide which projects they believe will offer the greatest contribution towards a just transition to a carbon neutral Moray.

  • Your project needs to be within Moray and must strengthen and benefit your local community and demonstrate to those within your community, and region, how they can best take action:

    • on reducing carbon emissions


    • adapting to the changes brought by climate change and building resilience to these changes

    and/ or

    • protecting or restoring nature and biodiversity

    together with

    • Increasing ‘green’ skills and knowledge to take forward sustainable projects and/ or gain work in a net zero economy


    • Deepening inclusiveness and reducing inequalities during the journey towards net zero

  • The Just Transition Fund is for capital funding: that is, for the purchase of tangible assets. The main focus of the JTF PB in 2024/25 is the purchase of equipment.

    Conditions of Capital Resources:

    • Think reuse, recycled/ pre-used before buying new physical products – to reduce manufacturing emissions and waste.

    • Buy all capital resources as locally as possible- to benefit the local economy and avoid longer transportation costs and associated emissions.

    • Consider the sustainability of the manufacture, materials and lifespan of the products to be bought – avoid short life use/replacement and maximise environmental benefit. Shop around for the best value.

    • Ensure that you are applying for the lowest viable carbon option of that type of product i.e. electrically operated equipment rather than petrol or diesel – this fund is for projects that showcase sustainable best practice.

    Funding awarded to successful projects must be spent by 31 March 2025.

    • Equipment and/or items

    • Any contractor costs associated with installation of the equipment

    • Purchase of buildings and/or land (subject to all levels of appropriate planning permissions being in place should they be needed)

    • Fossil Fuel Vehicles *

    • Fossil fuel heating

    • Revenue costs (e.g., staff, utilities, rent, mortgage, or other normal running costs)

    • Contingency costs, loans, endowments, or interest

    • Political or religious campaigning or activity

    • Profit-making/fundraising activities

    • VAT you can reclaim

    • Statutory activities

    • Overseas travel

    • Alcohol

    • If an organisation has previously gained funding from the JT PB Fund for a vehicle, they cannot apply for funding for another vehicle

    * Due to rurality issues, in Aberdeenshire and Moray, an application for funding for a fossil fuelled van may be acceptable in exceptional circumstances, where it is demonstrated that such a van is an enabler for an impactful community just transition project and there is no lower viable carbon option available. Groups who wish to use this exception in Moray need to discuss their project with Money for Moray and tsiMORAY prior to applying for the Fund.

  • Applications received for consideration within Moray must be led by a group/organisation whose address is within Moray.