Who is delivering the fund?

The Just Transition PB Fund is being delivered across Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray by a partnership of five local and trusted organisations

Who is distributing the funding?

Across Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray, a number of locally based organisations are working in partnership to deliver the fund.

The five organisations within the partnership are ACVO TSI, Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action, tsiMORAY (the Third Sector Interfaces for each geographic area within the region), NESCAN Hub and Money for Moray.

Since the fund launched in 2022, the partnership has supported the distribution of £2.5million to 99 new eco friendly & sustainable initiatives the region.

Find out more about the partner organisations below


    ACVO is the third sector interface for Aberdeen City. Whether you want to know more about volunteering; setting up and running a third sector organisation; or using social enterprise as a model to deliver social good, the interface is your local starting point in Aberdeen.

  • Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action

    AVA’s mission is to promote the growth of strong, resilient communities by connecting, supporting and promoting the third sector in Aberdeenshire. They support organisations and charities with advice and support relating to anything from governance to funding or volunteering.

  • tsiMORAY

    tsiMORAY helps to grow and develop volunteering, community groups, charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises across Moray. As part of this role they help the groups and individuals they work with take part in local planning and decision-making processes that affect them.

  • NESCAN Hub

    NESCAN Hub is the regional community climate action support hub for Aberdeen City & Aberdeenshire. If you want to know more about community climate action, how to develop your own community climate action project or add your voice into policy setting & decision making for a just transition then we are here to help.

  • Money for Moray

    The Money for Moray team is made up of 15 volunteer community representatives who came together in early 2016 to design and deliver a pilot Participatory Budgeting (PB) grant scheme in Moray. The team operates on an entirely voluntary and independent basis and its members are drawn from all parts of Moray.